There are many people in the Philadelphia area who are homeless, hungry and/or food insecure. For years I’ve been giving food to the homeless. But it wasn’t until I saw four-year-old Austin on a Facebook feed that I got more serious about this issue. I learned that Austin uses his allowance to feed the hungry in his Alabama neighborhood. He puts on his superman cape and he (and his dad) hand out lunches to very thankful hungry people.

If Austin can do it, so can I…minus the superman cape! I decided to keep things simple. I make a handful of lunches (not gluten free) that I place in brown lunch bags with a big hand-drawn red heart on them– Lunches from the Heart. The lunches include healthy ingredients…sandwiches on good bread, fresh cut up fruit, sliced veggies and a water, juice or chocolate milk.

Then I get in my car and drive to different areas in the city. I walk around with a bag loaded up with lunches and begin distributing. It’s a very satisfying and humbling experience to feed the hungry and one that I enjoy tremendously.
Some Lunches from the Heart Recipients

If you’d like to help me grow Lunches from the Heart, please email me at michellegolden@gfchow.com.